BCL Property Management, LLC

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BCL Property Management, LLC

197 Roscoe Blvd
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082

Phone: (904) 543.8459

Toll Free: (866) 543.8459
Fax: (904) 280.8400

Email: fabbruzzino@yahoo.com

Yahoo IM: fabbruzzino

BCL Property Management purchases property tax deeds and foreclosed homes from the local governments, throughout Florida and sales the properties below market value to the public. 
Also, BCLPM buys houses throughout Florida and our professional, experienced home buyers can make an offer for your property regardless of condition, age, repair needs or equity status. The only thing you need is a desire to sell. If you are shopping your home or don't really have a need to sell your home fast, our home buying service probably is not for you. Our home buyers buy houses from people who need quick deals and fast closes at a fair price (i.e. avoid foreclosure and put some money in your pocket).